Elbilsmyter på engelska

Vi har nu översatt vår populära sida med elbilsmyter till engelska.

Du hittar den på teslaclubsweden.se/myths

Jag vill passa på och tacka vår medlem Teslaspolen som har gjort huvuddelen av arbetet med översättningen och korrläsningen! Jag har dock efter hans ordagranna översättning anpassat materialet för mer internationella sammanhang – svenska sidan behandlade en del svenska förutsättningar kring elbilar resten av världen inte är intresserad av.

Ju fler som korrläser sidan desto bättre. Kom gärna med synpunkter både på stavning och innehåll.

Vänligen skriv dock era synpunkter som kommentar till den här sidan – inte den engelska!


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  • 15 Responses to Elbilsmyter på engelska

    1. Björn says:

      Kanon bra sida. “#5 You can take a walk, go shopping, visit the bathroom, have a meal or whatever you wish.” kanske man ska använda något annat än bathroom som “convenient room”.

    2. G F says:

      Varför uppfinna hjulet igen, när det redan finns? TCS styrka är bra artiklar på svenska som förklarar utifrån svenska förhållanden. TSC behövs för för att sprida ljuset till de de som inte kan eller ogärna läser andra sidor än svenska. En sökning gav dessa träffar (med tips på formuleringar):

    3. Torkel says:

      Hej, jag gjorde en liten genomläsning till #9. All heder åt Teslaspolen, här är några typos, förslag till förbättringar etc.

      “Each of us have” > “All of us have/Everyone of us” enligt mig

      “People repeat roughly” > “People basically repeat.” låter som en vanligare formulering

      “but you just can’t go digging the Internet for proof” > “go trawling the Internet for proof”

      “every time you suppose to bust them.” > “every time you want to bust them” You(‘re) supposed blir mer som ‘borde’ i den här meningen enligt mig.

      #1 – “The batteries of electric cars do not last long. “> in istf. of

      “and came to the conclusion their batteries lose” > that their

      “wear on batteries is when they are 100% charged and 0% discharged” > “when they are fully charged (100%) or discharged (0%)” bara ett förslag.

      “after 100,000 kilometers” > (~60,000 miles) för läsare utan si-systemet

      “The battery’s capacity diminish in subzero weather” > diminishes

      “during extreme cold weather (-30C)” > extremely (-30C/-22F)

      “has trouble driving the start engine” > “has trouble operating the starter/starter engine in the same conditions.”

      “insulation around the batteries, that are also heated” > “which are also”

      “A lot of the public chargers put up by local municipality” > are put up, the local municipality

      “to give themselves a “green image”” > build a greener image of themselves?

      “with a credit card readers on them.” > ta bort “a”

      You never need to drive to some petrol station every now and then to refill. > “You won’t ever again have to drive to a petrol station to refill” never + every now and then funkar inte ihop tycker jag

      “On longer trips Tesla Motors does not rely on existing charge stations, even if you can use them.” > For longer trips Tesla Motors didn’t want to have to rely on”

      “and change the entire battery pack” > to change

      “an average villa uses 2500 kWh” > house istf. villa? Villa låter så pampigt 🙂

      “In many countries this reserve consist of coal, gas and oil plants.” > consists eftersom reserve är i sing.

      electrical engine is much more efficient. > electric motor/engine

      that uses 4 litres of petrol per 100 kilometers > (58 miles per gallon),

      “petrol car that uses 7 liters per 100 kilometers. “> (33 mpg)

      • Tack! Jag tog med de flesta ändringarna – förutom de med Fahrenheit, miles, gallon och andra föråldrade måttsystem 😉

        Ser fram emot #10-#14 också 🙂

        • Torkel says:

          Delar 10-14 as promised 😉 som vanligt får det ses som förslag, jag är ingen professionell översättare. Men jag tycker sånt här är ganska kul 😀

          “However, what has used up huge amounts of money” > “However, a huge expenditure”

          The high R&D costs is > cost eller are

          also made even more noticeable due to the relatively few manufactured cars. > made more noticeable due to the, relatively speaking, low number of cars manufactured by Tesla.

          The next generation of electric cars is > are

          not just going to get cheaper because of cheaper batteries > lower battery prices

          The higher emissions at manufacturing is compensated > Higher emissions in manufacting are compensated

          this is no myth. You do use more raw materials > It takes a larger amount of more diverse materials to make a battery than

          the higher environmental load > stress

          the CO2 emissions are decreased with 64%! > by

          Why the myth is incorrect: Batteries of electric vehicles has to have > need to have

          The batteries of Nissan Leaf are manufactured in Oppama, > for the Nissan Leaf

          It will be the world’s largest battery factory by far, which also will be completely run on solar and wind power. > by far and will also be

          the lithium does not become decayed in old batteries. > does not decay in

          #13 – If an earthquake or other natural disaster strikes, what will you then do with your electric car? You won’t be able to charge it! > what use do you have for an electric car then?

          Electric cars were the first ones working after the 2011 tsunami in Japan. > were the first cars to start operating

          since the pumps at the petrol station ceases to function. > cease to

          #14 – Batteries only contain the same amount of energy as just a few liters of petrol!
          > för hela sektionen gäller petrol+litres (UK) eller gasoline/gas+liters (US). Jag föredrar det första men har inte kollat så dokumentet stämmer i dialekt.

    4. susancstutzman says:

      (It’s the way they Roll.)

    5. susancstutzman says:

      Hopefully, only with a bag over her head….a plastic one!

    6. susancstutzman says:

      THE Clinton Crime Family Inc.

    7. susancstutzman says:


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